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6 août 2019

Many customers have reported issues with accessing the Documents Tab within their ACT database after upgrading to Windows 10. While it does not effect everyone, it is a documented compatibility issue with Windows 10, and an installable fix is expected soon from Swiftpage. In the meantime, we offer the following workaround to address the issue.

Issue: Act! crashes when trying to use the documents tab or when trying to attach a file to a note when using Act! on a Windows 10 computer

Version Found: 17.2

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to an Act! database on a Windows 10 machine
  2. Navigate to a contact
  3. Perform either of the following actions
    • Click the documents tab and attempt to attach any document to the contact
    • Create a Note and attempt to attach any document to the note

Actual Result:
Act! crashes when attempting to attach any document to the contact using the documents tab or when attaching any document to a note


Option 1 (Act! v17.1 and Act! v17.2 only)

This workaround has been effective on many machines running Act! v17.1 and Act! v17.2 on Windows 10. Follow the steps below:

  1. Download and save the DocTabFix.exe file from the file attachments section at the bottom of this article
  2. Right-click the file, choose Run as Administrator, then click Allow if prompted
  3. After the file is finished running, reboot the computerNote: You may receive a prompt from Windows stating that the program did not install correctly after running the file. Disregard this message and continue with rebooting the machine
  4. Open Act! and attempt to attach a document to test

If unsuccessful, proceed to Option 2 below.

Option 2

If you are using Act! v17.0 or older, or if Option 1 was unsuccessful, you may be able to work around this issue using the steps below:

  1. Verify the version of Act! you are using by clicking Help > About Act!
  2. Navigate to your C:\ drive and locate the folder which contains the installation media for your version and release of Act!. The folder will be named similarly to the following examples:
    • Act!_Pro_[version number]
    • Act!_Premium_[version number]
    • Act!_Premium_Web_[version number]
  3. Within the appropriate folder navigate through one of the following directories, depending on whether you are using Act! for windows or Act! for Web:
    • Act Pro: C:\[folder from step 2]\ACTSTD\program files\ACT\ActInstallDir
    • Act! Premium: C:\[folder from step 2]\ACTWG\program files\ACT\ActInstallDir
    • Act! Premium (access via web): C:\[folder from step 2]\ACTForWeb\program files\ACT\ActInstallDir
  4. Locate and right-click Act.Shared.Win32.dll, then click Copy
  5. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT
  6. Right click Act for Windows, and choose PasteNote: If you are using Act! Premium (access via web), Right-click Act for Web and choose Paste
  7. When prompted, choose the option to Copy and Replace
  8. On your keyboard, press the Windows key + R
  9. In the Run dialog, type cmd, then press Enter
  10. Type the following into the command prompt depending on your version of Act!:
    • Act! Pro or Act! Premium: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows
    • Act! Premium (access via web): cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Act for Web
  11. Press Enter to change the directory
  12. Type gacutil /i act.shared.win32.dll, then press Enter
  13. Restart your computer
  14. Test attaching a document

Reference#: D-03279, D-03131
Status: Open
Priority: Critical

File Attachments

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