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6 août 2019

This article highlights the differences in the Act! Premium v17 and Act! Premium for Web v17 features. With all the improvements made to the Web products capabilities in v16 and v17, many ACT administrators wonder what they’re actually giving up by not having the Windows client installed on their user’s computers. The short answer is less than before, but still far from nothing.

Features Unavailable in Act! Premium (Web) via Web Browser:

  • Add additional user licenses to the database
  • Show Look For option
  • Edit Smart Tasks
  • Right click functionality (presents browser options)
  • Create Activity Series
  • Setup and use field triggers
  • Export data (you can use the Export to Excel function from the list view)
  • Create new or edit existing report templates
  • Add document attachments as shortcuts
  • Manage Opportunity Product and Process Lists
  • Synchronize Act! data with a handheld device
  • Integrate Act! with a supported accounting program
  • E-Mail Document option on Document tab
  • No Act! Email client installed locally for viewing or managing email (can integrate with locally installed Microsoft® Outlook® or send through an Internet mail account)
  • Email Message (from template)
  • Backup and restore databases
  • Replace, copy, or swap field data for multiple contacts
  • Duplicate Checking settings, scan for duplicate records
  • Edit Contact Access (Make Public, Make Private, Create Access List, Add or Remove Users/Teams) for multiple contacts
  • Copy or move contact data (merge)
  • Database maintenance (check, repair, reindex, delete)
  • Use of Act! Diagnostics utility
  • Remote database synchronization panel (edit, delete remote databases, and sync sets)
  • Act! Dialer
  • Fax integration
  • Timer
  • Act! Scheduler
  • History recorded when printing a document (Mail merge directly to printer does create history).
  • No option to “Open each view in its own window” in Preferences
  • Social Updates
  • Quick Print

New functions Added to the Web Interface in Act! Premium (Web):

  • Act! E-marketing functionality
  • Add Link to Documents
  • Import text delimited files
  • Remote database creation
  • Timeline

New functions Added to the Web Mobile Interface in Act! Premium (Web) Mobile:

  • Photo History
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